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De-stress Yourself with these tips while trying for a Baby

Trying to conceive can be quite stressful. If you’ve been unsuccessful in trying for a baby then the stress levels may run high, contributing further to an irregular cycle. This will make it more unlikely for you to conceive. It is possible to take care of yourself so that your chances of conception are enhanced. The first Step IVF abides by the following guidelines –

Take out 10 minutes

● Take a stroll
Get some fresh air and spend time with yourself by setting aside 10 minutes of your day for walking. It is an excellent opportunity to get some of our 10,000 daily steps. Moreover, it brings with itself an opportunity to de-stress your mind

● Identify the factors of gratitude in your life
Identify three things that you feel grateful about. Doing so will bring about positivity in your life. If you want, you can share it with your near and dear ones. This will help them in getting mindful ( and appreciating ) the minor joys in our life.

● Stretch yourself
With our sedentary lifestyle, it is natural to get mentally stressed which often leads to physical problems. Take regular intervals from your sitting position and stretch your body to make it more relaxed and flexible. You could try a simple side stretch or backstretch for improving your productivity.

Take out 30 minutes

● Meditate
Take the help of various apps or meditation gurus to help get thorough with the basics of meditation. It will not only make you a calmer person but also make you feel more positivity and freedom from stress.

Take out an hour

● Turn off your phone
Yes, it is 1 hour of digital detox that you need to attain peace with yourself. Constantly checking work emails, weather alerts, Facebook notifications, and the news headlines can take its toll on you. It will help you spend quality ‘ me time’ and attaining some peace of mind too.

● Turn to yoga
There’s no problem as far as the availability of the yoga classes goes. The trend which started in India is being followed in every corner of the world with fervor. It not only helps you with physical fitness but it also helps you with de-stressing, feeling positive, and controlling your breathing pattern. Therefore you must ensure your wellbeing with this ancient exercise technique. With the positive vibes and physical wellness, will come a greater chance of conceiving. All the best for your journey.


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