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Do the Chances of Pregnancy Get Affected by Hormonal Imbalances?

Fertility issues start with hormonal imbalances related to our reproductive system and lead to infertility. Hormonal imbalances are quite common nowadays. Due to unhealthy lifestyles and food habits, leading to hormonal imbalance in our body. These could be the significant factors for the hormonal imbalance level of the body.

What is a Hormone?
1. Endocrine system gland is responsible for producing hormones, which are then sent to the bloodstream of various body tissues.
2. For the proper functioning of tissues in the body, signals are given by hormones. Hormones control and regulate the internal environment of the body.
3. The reason for developing hormonal imbalance may be due to the malfunction of your endocrine system- either making an abundance amount or a tiny amount of a hormone.
4. Different types of hormones perform different functions in the body. For now, in this article, our focus is only on those hormones that affect fertility.
5. Starting from puberty to menopause, hormones fluctuation is quite normal. The hormone level starts to decline when a woman is reached to the age of 40 years and eventually result in menopause around 50+ years of age.

How is fertility affected in women due to hormonal imbalance?
Female fertility is affected not only by sex hormones but also by estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. There are other hormones also that cause hormonal imbalances and lead to infertility. Let's understand and discuss them all.

1. Role of Estrogen
If estrogen level increases, then it causes-
• Oxidative damage increases that affect the quality of eggs
• It leads to pelvic inflammation by affecting the functions of ovaries, fallopian tubes.
• Due to fibroids and endometrial, it does not support embryo implantation.

If estrogen level decreases, then it causes-
• Low estrogen level prevents ovulation by increasing the level of LH

2. Role of Progesterone
If progesterone levels decrease, then it causes-
• Irregular periods
• Spotting of mid-cycle

If the Progesterone Level increases, it causes-
• Cause bloating
• Cause mood swings
• Leads depression and cause sleep disturbances
• Swelling and tenderness in the breast region

3. Role of Thyroid Hormones
• If the level of thyroid hormones is low, it can lead to anovulatory cycles, which disrupts ovulation and prevents the ovaries from releasing the egg.
• Due to hypothyroidism, luteal phase problems can lead and can cause the early miscarriage

4. Role of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
• Due to low AMH, women face difficulty conceiving as they have low egg count.
• If the level of AMH is high, it can lead to PCOS, and the difficulty in conception increases.

5. Role of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
• Ovarian dysfunction is caused due to a high level of FSH hormone

6. Role of Prolactin
• If the level of prolactin hormones is imbalanced, it leads to irregular periods and ultimately causes issues with conception.

7. Role of Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
• If the level of luteinizing hormone is low, it prevents ovulation.
• If the level of luteinizing hormone is high, it interferes with menstruation and ovulation and can lead to infertility.

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