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Fast Food and Infertility

Fast Food and Infertility

Can by Saying No to Fast Food, one may boost the Fertility?
The answer is “YES”

We all understand that a visit to McDonald’s, Burger King, Dominos or the other restraunts is not good for our health, however have you ever thought that fast food can also impact your fertility? In this blog, we'll break down a number of the most common ingredients in a fast food meal and will also review their negative impact on systems within the body and the way this might have negative effects on fertility.

Fast Food and Infertility

• Oils—The Good and The Bad
Junk foods- Anything that is fried or contain industrial seed oils. These seed oils may cause inflammation as well as decrease nutrient absorption and also disrupt the body system. Inflammation is a root cause of several health conditions; many of which can influence fertility.

A little inflammation is generally not harmful to the female reproductive system and even useful in the role of cellular repair. However, excessive or chronic inflammation can lead to conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), ovarian cysts and fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and poor egg quality. Chronic inflammation is also associated with hormonal imbalance, affecting ovulation and the ability of a fertilized egg to successfully attach to the uterine wall.

It is also a relevant concern to male fertility, as inflammation can lead to poor sperm quality.

Also, when oils are heated over and over again, as is often the case in the preparation of fried fast foods, toxins are released that can have a negative impact on your fertility. Specifically, when corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil are heated and reheated, a toxin called 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE), derived from fatty acids, forms. HNE is known for its negative effects on cardio health and link to neurodegenerative diseases, but can also cause oxidative stress in early pregnancy and contribute to male infertility.

Several good and healthy fats are generally not present in such food. Sex hormones necessary for conception, implantation, and a healthy pregnancy require good fats, like those found in fish, avocados, and nuts. It is crucial to female and male fertility that sex hormones are supported by these good fats, so they can properly function and carry out their roles.

• Preservatives and Additives
Almost every fast food firm add preservatives to their foods to avoid decomposition, to the impact that if left out for long period. One common artificial additive, Monosodium L-Glutamate (MSG), additionally referred to as 621 or E621, is linked to our nervous system and reproductive disorders in both males and females. it's applied as a wax to non-organic produce and generally found in foods like gelatine, tortillas, and alternative processed foods.

Aspartame, an artificial sweetener utilized in most diet sodas, is linked to hormonal and menstrual imbalances in women and impotence in men.

• Sugar
Fast food meals also tend to contain a lot of sugar. Consuming too much sugar can have an adverse effect on your health in many ways: inducing diabetes, increasing blood pressure, and contributing to weight gain.

Aside from leading to weight gain and obesity, which can contribute to infertility, when you consume sugar, your body responds by producing insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is similar to hormones that regulate egg growth in the ovaries. This may cause to decrease the production of ovarian hormones, negatively impacting ovulation and egg growth.

• Obesity and Nutrient Deficiency
Fast food meals are typically high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium. The average meal at a fast food restaurant contains 700 calories—almost one third of the daily recommended 2,000 calories for an average woman. However, though a fast food meal takes up a large portion of your recommended daily calories, it is generally very low in nutrients. Specifically, fast food meals tend to be lacking in crucial minerals and vitamins like Vitamin A, B12, D, Iodine, Iron, and Magnesium.

The increased risk of obesity and nutrient deficiency caused by a fast food diet can cause hormonal disruptions and inflammation, resulting in disturbances to ovulation and menstruation. Also, when you are consuming some vegetables in your fast food meal or ordering a simple salad, fruits and vegetables grown in nutrient depleted soil are likely to lack adequate micronutrient content.

An overall poor diet can also contribute to inadequate nutrient absorption of the vitamins and minerals you do consume. To boost and support the fertility, you need to have adequate micronutrient content in the cellular environment of your body for hormonal regulation and egg, uterine, and sperm health.

• Foods that Promote Fertility
So, what foods can we suggest you to eat? generally, whole foods and plant-based diet yields the outstanding results for promoting fertility and overall health. A whole foods diet includes whole grains, plenty of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and organic meats. If you choose to consume dairy, make sure you’re opting for organic dairy products that promote gut healthy with good probiotics.

Certain foods are there which can specifically promote fertility by reducing inflammation and supporting the health of your endocrine system.
These foods include:

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Blueberries
  • Wild Salmon
  • Garlic
  • Broccoli
  • Mature cheeses
  • Full-fat yogurt

For a better and healthy body, try to make sure the foods you consume are organic to reduce your exposure to toxins that can compromise your reproductive health.

Above all, care for your body and nurture it with good foods.

Take out some time to plan and prepare organic, nutrient-dense meals that nourish your body will help to support your body’s systems and roles, promoting fertility.


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