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How does Stress Cause Infertility in Females

For years, the association between infertility and stress has been debated. Elevated depression levels are usually reported in women who are diagnosed with infertility issues. This makes it clear that infertility is a reason behind stress. However, it is not completely clear whether or not stress causes infertility in females.

Fertility with stress is complicated

There is no denying the fact that infertility is usually a silent struggle. Women who are trying for months and years to conceive report feelings of isolation, depression, loss of control, and anxiety.

However, the question is: does stress cause infertility in females, or does infertility cause stress? The answer so far is not crystal clear and it will not be wrong to say that the relationship between infertility and distress may demonstrate a clear cause and effect association.

How does stress cause infertility? Can stress cause permanent infertility? More and more research in the recent past seems to confirm that there is an association between anxiety, stress, depression, and infertility.

For some women, ovulation can be impacted by chronic stress, and women who are constantly under stress are likely to ovulate less. This makes it extremely difficult to plan a baby and make for the best time when they are most fertile. However, stress does not cause permanent infertility.

Some of the signs and symptoms of stress during pregnancy include:

• Grinding of teeth
• Headaches
• Stomach upset
• Heart palpitations or an increase in heart rate
• Difficulty sleeping
• Difficulty concentrating
• Overeating
• Excessive fatigue
• Loss of interest in social activities
• Feelings of anger, sadness, worry, or frustration
• Feeling scared to be alone or an excessive need to be around others

How stress can affect sleep and Pregnancy?
Chronic stress during pregnancy can have a negative impact on your well-being and health, and that of the unborn baby. In rare circumstances, it can lead to low birth weight, preterm birth, and even behavioural and sleep disorders in young children. In women, stress during pregnancy can result in muscle tension, high blood pressure, digestive issues, sleep disorders, and mood swings.

Pregnancy and Emotional Eating
Apart from normal appetite, people tend to eat more due to stress, spiritual emptiness, fear, boredom, happiness, and loneliness. During pregnancy, emotional hunger can draw women into a cycle in which overeating is triggered by emotions, overeating triggers emotions, and so on. Women tend to eat when they are stressed and end up gaining too much weight. Thereafter, they feel stressed as they are gaining too much weight and eat even more.

Impact of stress on diet and exercise
Stress has a differential impact on adoption, maintenance, and relapse of exercise and workout sessions. It triggers the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, and elevated cortisol levels can impact a wide range of bodily processes, such as emotional stability and metabolism.

The effects of stress during pregnancy on the body should never be taken lightly.

At First Step IVF, the best IVF clinic in Delhi, our teams of medical professionals offer the best fertility tips and suggestions so you can improve your peace of mind and conceive without any issue. Contact us today!

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