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Effective lifestyle remedies to increase the chances of successful IVF

Many experts advise not making any drastic alterations to your diet and lifestyle throughout your IVF cycle. However, before you start IVF, you’ll want to make sure you’re eating a balanced and healthy diet — one where you’re obtaining a spread of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. This is often referred to as the preconception period.

Coffee During IVF Treatment
While further studies on pregnancy and occasional consumption are necessary, most experts recommend sticking to 1-2 cups of coffee or less per day during IVF treatment and pregnancy.

Alcohol During IVF Treatment
Reducing your alcohol intake during IVF treatment may increase your chances of implantation. Always follow the recommendation given to you by your fertility team and doctors. Alcohol may interact with fertility drugs. Thus, it’s always the best idea to see together with your specific healthcare professional.

Further, after the embryo transfer, it’s recommended to thoroughly avoid alcohol, assuming a pregnancy could also be underway since alcohol consumption during pregnancy is related to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Smoking During IVF Treatment
Smoking can indeed impact your fertility. Continuing to smoke or vape during your IVF cycle can decrease the chances of a successful pregnancy. It’s likely best to think about quitting altogether since smoking during pregnancy also can cause various problems for your baby as they grow and develop in your womb.

Nutrition After Your Embryo Transfer
After your embryo transfer, you ought to continue following a healthy diet. Eating a spread of foods, without restriction, is best. This will still supply your body with the nutrients it must achieve a successful pregnancy. At an equivalent time, it’s also recommended to limit processed and pre-packaged food items which will disrupt natural processes and functions within the body.

Exercise During Your IVF Cycle
Generally, it’s advised to require it easy during your IVF treatment to scale back excess stress on the body (which can negatively impact your chances of success). However, this doesn’t mean that you simply should avoid all exercise.

The recommended approach to exercise during IVF is to continue together with your routine, assuming you’ve got a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI).

It’s going to be best to limit this activity during your IVF treatment. For the committed runners, try doing light jogging, walks, or cycling instead.

IVF could also be a stressful time for you and your family. However, there are various ways you’ll increase your odds of success, like through your diet, reducing stress, adequate sleep, supplements, and being conscious of the chemicals in common home items. Get in touch today for more information.

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