Timings : 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM (Mon to Sat)


The Importance Of Counselling In Infertility

Infertility is a phase, where a patient might feel low, may have stress, or might become emotionally week. It is thus important for the patient to have proper counseling and understand the fact that today, with the advancement of technology, the treatment of infertility is possible, the only things that the patient must have are POSITIVITY and HOPE.

At First Step IVF, our doctors work with the patients at four levels:

1. Set realistic expectations
Infertility can be an emotional roller coaster. Often infertile couples need to go through more than one cycle of treatment before they conceive. Each case is unique and we set realistic expectations and do not give them false hopes. They must be made to understand how it will affect not just them but those around them as well. While it is important to stay positive during the treatment and believe that it will all work out for the best, the couple needs to also brace themselves for the likelihood of failure.

2. Inform patients about success and failures upfront
It is best that the chances of success or failure of the treatment are discussed straight up with the patient so that they are not misleading with false hope.

3. Explain different treatment modalities available
It is our duty to explain all treatment options and ensure they are thoroughly informed before making any treatment choices. All implications of suggested treatment are provided to the patient before they consent to the same. For this, we at First Step IVF are well informed on current treatment options as well as keep pace with the latest advances in the field of infertility.

4. Connect them to patient support groups
We work with patients and help in making sense of the range of emotions and sensitive issues that they are coping with. Sometimes counseling is combined with local medical techniques such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and music therapy. High levels of stress significantly hamper the body’s fertility and managing stress during fertility treatments will help patients.

If you have any further queries, please reach us, or schedule an appointment with one of our doctors. We are happy to assist you.

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