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Weight and Fertility

Infertility is a real problem faced by many couples. The reasons can be many. It may happen that a partner may not be capable of conceiving or a female is unable to carry pregnancy throughout, due to some medical conditions or disabilities.

It is a known fact that a woman is most fertile in their early 20s. The chance of getting pregnant declines specifically after age 35 and drastically after the age of 40. The age at which fertility starts getting affected varies from female to female.

Infertility problems and miscarriage rates increase rapidly after 35 years of age. There is a measure of retrieving early eggs and storing them in women in their 20s. This ensures success in pregnancy even in women even at the age of 35. Although expensive, women who are knowledgeable and hold a good amount of information regarding this may find it worth it.

One of the many reasons for being infertile can be the weight. Both being underweight and overweight can take a toll on the couple’s fertility. Here’s how:

Effect of weight on body estrogen levels
Ovaries produce estrogen when females have a healthy body weight, ovaries produce adequate amounts of estrogen but when it comes to obesity, the body produces more estrogen than required. Which in turn prevents regular ovulation.

High chances of insulin resistance
Insulin transfers glucose from the blood to cells but in the case of insulin resistance, the body declines insulin’s request of transporting glucose to cells. As a result, the body detects a lot of glucose in the blood, so the pancreas pumps more amount of insulin. Having high amounts of insulin affects ovulation which results in infertility.

Impact of weight on pregnancy rates and pregnancy-related complications
Women with higher BMI often lead to early miscarriages and complications in hormonal imbalances in the body and often don’t respond to in vitro fertilization. This brings higher chances of birth defects and miscarriages.

Impact of obesity on male fertility
Many couples suffer infertility due to male inability. One of the reasons why males become infertile is also overweight. In men, obesity is associated with lower testosterone and impaired sperm quality, Major causes are erectile dysfunction and higher BMI consult a doctor If you think that your weight might be the suspected problem to your inability to get pregnant,

Healthy or ideal weight
The idea of healthy weight holds different perceptions for different persons, it is highly influenced by individual health history. That brings us to BMI (body mass index). Although BMI isn’t a comprehensive tool, it’s going to be referenced here, as fertility uses BMI as a diagnostic tool, even though it has limitations. BMI is a measure of body fat calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters). It can be used as a calculator, screening tool, and it doesn’t take into consideration things like muscle mass, nutrition habits, activity, medical history, or basically anything other than your height and weight. In other words, some healthy people have a high BMI and some people with a normal BMI aren’t as healthy as they think.

Effect of weight on fertility
Fighting back to get pregnant can be mentally devastating, demoralizing and often unsupportive and knowing that being overweight can be a factor for infertility, can add to the confusion and frustration.

If you feel losing weight is a challenge, you can always go and consult a nutritionist or a dietician. There are many ways to reduce weight; you can follow the diet that suits your body and make changes in your lifestyle by exercising daily. A consultation with a registered dietician or offer certain lifestyle changes that can make a difference. It is feasible that modifications like dietary changes and a healthy exercise regimen could allow you to achieve your aims. Also look out for your current medications with your healthcare provider to ensure that they’re safe to take during pregnancy.

So to conclude:
It is not a wonder that the number of infertile patients that come to the country is rising every year, with respect to the changing atmosphere, eating habits, internal body mechanisms, exercise and working conditions etc. The country has all the medical and advanced technology that IVF clinics in more advanced countries possess. Patients are able to get treatment that is on par with the rest of the world but at less than half of the cost in western countries.

Another benefit of getting IVF treatment at First Step IVF is the presence of able doctors, world-class facilities for the patients, and a focused and skilled staff to look after the patient all the time. With high-quality medical services and dedicated IVF experts, patients from India and abroad benefit greatly. Contact us to book an appointment.

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