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When should a couple Get Tested for Infertility Even If They Don’t Plan to Start a Family Right Away?

Either you're trying to conceive or are planning to have kids in the coming future, there are ample of benefits to infertility testing. By testing now, you can learn if you have any problems that will prevent you from getting pregnant so that they can be treated now, instead of later when you are about to start treatment and the problem may have become worse. Tests will also show if you have diminished (low) ovarian reserve and need to start trying to become pregnant now instead of waiting until later. This is what you should know.

Can you test for infertility?
You and your partner can and should get tested for potential fertility challenges, even if you're not actively trying to get pregnant. With a variety of fertility tests, your doctor can see if you have any underlying health conditions or challenges that could make it difficult to conceive now or in the future.

To start testing for infertility, your doctor will run a number of general tests. Your doctor will recommend you to undergo a physical exam and also will ask about your family and personal health history.
These tests are can be used to uncover:
• Potential hereditary issues
• Riskier lifestyle habits
• Previous trauma
• Other underlying health conditions that could interfere with fertility

From there, fertility tests for women typically measure:
• Antral Follicle Count (AFC) to determine your ovarian reserve
• AMH Levels, a hormonal marker of ovarian reserves
• FSH Levels to gauge the presence or absence of egg production

For women, your doctor will likely also use an ultrasound test to check the condition of your uterus and ovaries. They'll also run blood tests to check for infections and ask about your menstrual patterns to determine if there are irregularities.

For men, fertility specialists generally run a:
• Blood test to check levels of testosterone and other hormones
• Urinalysis to detect any infections
• Semen analysis to determine sperm motility, count, and quality

It's important that both partners are tested.

When should we get tested for infertility?
For many people, there are benefits to getting tested for fertility issues earlier rather than later. If you're in your late 20s or early 30s, it could be helpful. In general, testing can help you uncover potential issues and gives you time to reduce risks.

For example, interventions may include:
• Making lifestyle changes to reduce effects of smoking, poor eating habits, body weight, and other factors on your fertility
• Undergoing procedures to treat underlying health issues, such as treating an infection, clearing a blocked vas deferens, or removing problematic uterine fibroids
Freezing your eggs or sperm if you plan on waiting to conceive

Already trying to conceive and haven't had any success? We at First Step IVF recommend talking to a fertility specialist if:
• You're under the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than a year
• You're over the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than six months

Learn more about testing for fertility
If you're in Delhi or our neighbouring states, we invite you to contact our team at The First Step IVF for more information. We can discuss the infertility tests that could help you and are happy to answer any questions you have.


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