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Why Patients Wait to Consult a Fertility Specialist

As a fertility specialist, one of the things I hear a great deal from my patients is that they wish they’d come to me sooner.

While everyone has their own reasons for waiting, here are few of the most common ones, and why they aren’t always good reasons.

1. They’re Waiting Longer to Start
Women (and men) are waiting longer to grow their families. People want to pursue their education and make careers, to feel financially stable, and to simply enjoy life before they “settle down” and begin a family.
Youths are running behind their goals. Their mindset has been changed in a way that they don’t want to take the responsibility of a life partner and children. Even after marriage, few couples don’t want to have a child just because they consider their career as the priority.

2. They Think Infertility Can’t Happen to Them
From the moment that we hit puberty; we are repeatedly warned that it is possible to get pregnant at any time.
In our teens and 20s, we live with the constant fear of getting pregnant. When we hit our 30s and 40s and are ready to start a family, we take for granted that fertility is guaranteed.
If you’re trying to get pregnant and nothing is happening after one year (six months if you’re over 35) talk to a specialist immediately. Even if you’re not ready to start treatment they can help rule out common factors that may be preventing your ability to get pregnant.

3. They Feel Younger than They Are
Advertising and media constantly impress on us the idea that a woman in her 30s and 40s can look and feel like a woman in her 20s.
However, the female body comes with a finite number of eggs, and after the age of 35, both their number and viability start to decline quickly.
In a recent study it had been found that that male fertility is not as infinite as was once assumed. In reality, as men get older the quality and motility of their sperm also decline.
Because age is a factor, seeing a specialist sooner rather than later can help put options on the table that might not otherwise be available.

4. They Worry About the Cost
Many patients are hesitant to take advantage of long-term family planning because they assume that they can’t afford it.
The problem is, the older a woman gets, the more difficult it is for her to achieve a pregnancy using her own eggs. This often leads to the need for donor eggs and more expensive procedures.
Making investment in future fertility can save patients in the long term.
These may all seem like valid reasons to wait, but the fact is taking action today can make a big difference in your future fertility.
Either you’re ready to get pregnant now, or are looking for an advice to help you grow your family in the future, the time to talk with a fertility specialist is now. Talking with a specialist can help you plan ahead and learn about options that you may not have known about.

If you have any question, or if you’d like to learn more about Infertility or any related issue, schedule your new patient consultation today with First Step IVF or call us at +91-8595 22 33 55.
We are here to help you!!


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